Thursday, November 8, 2012

Chapter 3.

Larry awoke.  It took his eyes a full minute to adjust to his surroundings.  The light was dim, as the room was lit only by an indeterminately small number of reading lamps.  Larry was laying on a couch, the old style lounge sofa, upholstered in red velvet with golden cord fringe hanging down.  Wrapped in a heavy blanket, Larry found it difficult to move, which was probably the point.  It took him a few moments to disentangle himself, after which he slowly sat up.  His head was pounding, and he felt crusty dried blood on his left temple, probably a result of his fall.  He attempted to stand, but his legs felt like jelly and he quickly resumed his seat on the couch.  Just then, the tall man entered the room, carrying a tray with tea and food.

"Ah, you're awake.  Good, I was afraid that I would have to wake you.  Here, drink this, it will help with your head."  Larry took the cup and saucer that was offered to him.  He sipped the beverage but it was more pungent that he was expecting.  Seeing the look on his face, the tall man offered sugar and cream, which Larry was more than happy to acquiesce to.  As he stirred his drink, the tall man set down the tray on the coffee table and sat in a high-backed chair facing Larry.  After a moment and a deep breath, he began, "Welcome to Drakewood Manor, my ancestral home.  It was built by my great- great-grandfather, Sir Mallory Drakewood, to be his country retreat and place of refuge outside of the city.  I will not bore you with my family history, but suffice to say that an unforeseen series of events led to this becoming the home in which I was raised.  Please, make yourself comfortable.  I shall need you at full strength and understanding before long.  I needs must explain the situation and our impending course of action, but only once you have regained your full wits."

A frown formed on Larry's average face, and his brow knitted itself into a maze of knots.  This evening had gone from dreary to bloody awful, and he had a sinking feeling in his stomach that it was going to get much worse before it was over.  He sipped his tea again, and grimaced a bit, although less than before the cream and sugar.  Despite the strong flavor and unappetizing smell of the drink, he head was, in plain point of fact, beginning to feel better.  In fact, his headache had nearly vanished, as if by some strange sorcery.  Again, as if by telepathy, the tall man opened his mouth and said, "This tea blend is an old family recipe.  It has certain, ah, qualities that make it perfect for your situation.  How are you feeling?"

"Better.  But what is going on?" asked Larry.  "How did we get here, and who were those people after us?  Also, who the devil are you?  I want some answers.  Now!"  As he shouted this he pointed his finger and attempted to stand once again, but his body was still not cooperating.  His legs began to give way and he slouched back onto the couch.

The tall man made no move to help him, but a look did come over his face that was intensely reassuring.  And then he spoke, "All in good time, my friend.  All in good time.  These are complicated proceeding that you have stumbled into, and I don't want to put you out of your depth.  Let me begin by introducing myself.  I am Allister Drakewood.  You likely have not heard of the Drakewoods, although we are an old family, with a storied history.  No matter, as it is of little importance to you or the goings on of this evening.  Suffice to say, I am someone whom you can trust.  Those who know me might say I am a bit of an eccentric, and they would doubtless be correct.  I have, how should I put it, some particular quirks.  But pay them no mind."  As he said this, his hand delved quickly and silently into his jacket pocket, and he removed a tin and pipe.  He deftly filled the pipe, lit it with a similarly produced wooden match, and began smoke.  "Forgive this little habit of mine.  It calms the nerves, which I am sure you can appreciate given your current state.  All of our nerves are on edge this evening.  But I'm come to that in due time.  Now that you are awake, and feeling better, might I suggest you wash for a late supper?  You'll find the washroom in the adjacent room.  Everything you need it laid out for your convenience.  Once you are refreshed, please join us in the dining hall.  Proceed left down the hall, take the staircase down to the main floor, turn left once more, down the corridor, to the large doors on the right.  The table has already been set, the food laid out, and we'll be awaiting your arrival."  And before he was able to speak, Drakewood was silently up and out of the room, his pipe smoke quietly trailing him.

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